Preparing for your Saudi Trip

… Leave no trace except footprints in the sand

  • In Kingdom, transportation will be both by air, coach and car except when in the desert.
  • For programs that include Ar Rub Al Khali, the Empty Quarter or any desert expedition, 4×4 wheel drive vehicles are used.
  • Alcohol is forbidden.
  • Recommended clothing will be suggested.
  • A detailed itinerary will be provided.
  • Accommodation is chosen based on service, location and price.
  • A sense of adventure is necessary and being able to roll with the punches.

What to Expect in the Empty Quarter

  • The Empty Quarter in Saudi Arabia is the largest sand desert in the world, the size of France.
  • Traditional Saudi food is served in the Empty Quarter cooked by the team.
  • In the Empty Quarter it is realistically not feasible to provide specific dietary requests.
  • Empty Quarter trips/expeditions require a minimum of 8 travelers.
  • Tents are pop up style and catering to singles or couples.
  • Sleeping bags are Saudi style with heavy duty canvas, snug and warm for the desert nights when temperatures can drop quickly.
  • Folding foam mattresses are provided.
  • A maximum of 10 Kilos (22lbs) including back pack and camera bag is allowed per traveler on any trip/expedition in the Empty Quarter.
  • All desert trips are customized based on the number and duration of nights/days and the time of the year.

Like to learn more or interested in booking Brid as a guide, lecturer or logistical manager?